The mission of the Mosquito Fire Safe Council is to protect the people of the Mosquito Fire Protection District and their property from the effects of catastrophic wildfire through education, cooperation, innovation and action.
Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team!
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
Use the file, below, to submit how you can pay California Fair Plan insurance by providing either a one time annual, three times a month, or eleven month payment plan. This form is provided by
How to help your homeowner's insurance rates to go down! Things for you to do-
For all in the Mosquito area - here is the new 2025 National Firewise USA Certificate. You may copy and paste this to your home insurance company to see if a discount may be added.
As of October 24, 2023, CalFire is requiring that you-obtain a burn permit. Good news is that you can save time and do it all online. Complete their application, submit, and then print out your burn permit all within minutes.
Click HERE to get yours.
They do require you view a short (3 minute) video before you can beginning filling out their online form.
Need assistance with creating a defensible space at your primary residence in El Dorado County's west slope area? This service is only available to veterans (including surviving spouses) regardless of age and/or seniors age 60 or older, who are financially unable to afford vegetation removal on your property and physically unable to do the work.
Find out more about this free service by clicking HERE.
Mosquito area folks can use this LINK for wood chipping.
SCPOA residents can also use the form, SCPOA Wood Chip Request by clicking this LINK and going to the bottom of that page.
Additionally- the Activity Tracking Log should be used when any Mosquito Area people do anything to make their property more fire safe. Trimming trees and brush, leaves for burning, and keeping the area fire safe all help. Please use the email link at the bottom of the page to submit your activities.
NOTE: chipping done by EL Dorado Fire Safe Council will only be done till their monetary resources are gone till next year. Sign up NOW to ensure you get yours done!
Request For Defensible Space Evaluation; Assistance to HELP; Those Helping Out.
At this time, please provide information to:
The information below has been added at the request of El Dorado County Fire Safe Council. Information provided will help make your home more defensible and help create a Fire Safe community. If we attain the status of a Fire Safe community we may be able to not only protect our homes but also obtain reductions in property insurance for fire coverage. We must all participate in these endeavors.
The following are two CalFire links-
- and additional resources are below.
use the form below to arrange a date to have your house eligible for sale. You’ll need documentation of a compliant Defensible Space Inspection.
Click HERE for the form.
What happens after I submit the form?
By completing this form, you will be submitting your request for a PRC 4291 compliance inspection to be conducted at the address you list below. You will receive a confirmation email after submittal and a follow up phone call or email from your local Defensible Space Inspector to schedule your inspection.
When should I submit the request?
A copy of the completed inspection report that shows proof the property has been inspected, and has passed that inspection, within six (6) months prior to entering into a sales contract.
What if my property does not pass the inspection?
If your property does not pass on the first attempt, the inspector will explain what work needs to be completed and schedule another appointment at a later date. If the property will not meet compliance with PRC 4291 standards or a local vegetation management ordinance, the seller and the buyer shall enter into a written agreement pursuant to which the buyer agrees to obtain documentation of compliance within one year after closing escrow.
Files coming soon.
The county vegetation management ordinance, 5101, is effective May 30, 2019. A copy of the ordinance can be found below.
Paul Beacham
Note: meetings are held on an as needed basis. Meetings are also held monthly in conjunction with the EDC Fire Safe Council. Refer to their website for day and time.
Karen Pullin
Paul Beacham
Mary Joseph
Ken Joseph
Jerry Pullin
Wayne Gregson
Jane Gregson
Carmen Barney